Thursday, March 15, 2007


I'll have to admit right off that this is my first experience with blogging. I haven't even read many blogs, with the possible exception of my son Kenny's blog, Creative Journal. So please bear with me as I learn this new type of information technology and share with you my tidbits about a much older type of information technology: Ham Radio. I should also mention that this is being written from the perspective of a ham radio operator living and operating in the United States, and so some of what I write may not be accurate if you are in another country. Particularly if is pertains to licensing, operating rules, etc. You non-US hams, are invited to comment and offer what is different in your contry.

To begin, we'll talk about this great pastime of Ham Radio and aim the posts at you 'newbies'. Later we'll get into discussions on equipment, antennas, and all the FUN that you can have in ham radio. Some call ham radio a hobby. I use the term pastime, instead of 'hobby', because for many of us this is more than a hobby. It is a calling in the volunteer sense. We are involved in very many public service activities, which always give us great satisfaction. Translation: fun, fun, fun!

Some ground rules are probably in order. Comments are welcome! I don't claim to have all the answers and there are those who are certainly more knowledgeable about ham radio than I. So feel free, but try to keep them on topic and free of uncivilized language.

Let's leave it at that for the first post to Ham Radio Scene. Next time we'll talk about "How to Get on the Air" and Do you need a license? and Do you have to learn Morse Code?

de wa2kkg k
What does 73 mean? (Psssst- "Best Regards")


Anonymous said...

Oh, Dillon will be a future ham...just not sure it is the type of ham you are talking about!

Anonymous said...


thanks for submitting your blog to the Ham Radio Blog Directory. I have just added it!

Christian, DL6KAC

P.D: Also blogging :-)